My personal and professional portfolio of past website application development projects. Click on each image card to open the portfolio item.


Like any great conversationalists, we've brought our experiences, our personalities, and our predilections to the table. Politically, we're spread across the right of center. Culturally, we're spread across the whole range of human endeavor -- with distinguished careers and rich lives in politics, music, law, medicine, movies, industry, finance, and more. Some of us are familiar faces. Some of us you'll be meeting for the first time. All of us have come together to foster the kind of unpredictable, crackling back-and-forth that's worth our while and yours.

American Health Care Academy

American Health Care Academy provides Online CPR Certification & First Aid Certification. Online CPR Classes.

Communicating Food For Health

Food & Health Communications is a private publisher dedicated to creating fun, engaging nutrition education materials for professionals and teachers to make a difference in their clients' lives.

Aaron Schlosberg

Aaron operates studios for painting, glass working and welding.

Graham Brookins

Graham Brookins an experienced software developer

Brookins Consulting

 Brookins Consulting is a software development company, dedicated to providing web application solutions using free / open source software.


 eZpedia is a community driven effort who's goal is to create complete sets of freely available 'eZ publish' documentation created and maintained by the community for the community.

Strategy Street is a new online program to develop your company's tactics and strategy.

Prosoft Technology

ProSoft Technology Inc. serves the automation industry's communications and specialized applications needs with high quality products, application expertise, and technical support. With corporate offices in California, ProSoft is committed to providing localized sales and support to customers worldwide.

Merchant Warehouse

Offering merchant accounts, credit card processing, credit card machines, and credit card software for businesses.

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