All about the development of eZ Publish by Graham Brookins, 7x (formerly Brookins Consulting) and our think tank

Hello eZ Community!

I write today to fulfil on the commitment made to describe the eZ Publish Symbolic Link Distribution I talked about previously in passing.

Here is how it works. No files are needed. The eZ Publish Symbolic Link Distribution is A Process to Turning an Empty sub domain virtual host folder ~/doc/ (main site) + ~/doc/ (subdomain site) into a full fledged working eZ Publish Installation.

We do this by creating our base normal installation which gives us the eZ Files needed in ~/doc (main site).

If your like me and prefer full control via directory structure abstraction you'll quickly see that we need a way to use the main site files without var dir duplication (variable) so links to the same eZ Installation as the main site.

Here is how to do it:

cd /home/ezp/doc/;

for filename in ../*; do ln -s $filename .; done

This takes care of the files an eZ request requires for operation and addresses the var directory variable with a dynamic link sharing the var dir for both virtual host eZ Installations.

It's really that simple of a process. The symbolic links are generated dynamically based on the installed files in the path of the command and is a quick solution in bash shell to do the heavy lifting.

Next and perhaps the most important on 7x cPanel Based Server Hosting is that fact that when using mod_rewrite in the main site ~/doc .htaccess file we require nothing special per say.

But with the subdomain we are using a subdomain virtualhost which requires the following added to the top of your .htaccess file to load the second virtualhost eZ Publish Installation Normally.

# Static Subdirectory Virtual Host Required Options
RewriteEngine On
RewriteOptions IgnoreInherit

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

These are just a few power querks to using these software platforms to quickly build multi-domain installations when changing the directory path in the virtual host is not an option.

Remember folks, there is always another way in all things eZ!

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