All about the development of eZ Publish by Graham Brookins, 7x (formerly Brookins Consulting) and our think tank

While this may seem odd when one can simply use a git submodule and git repository to simply manage your extensions on a given eZ Publish installation.

Still thinking about ease of use to the end user, in that vain another functional design target could also go several configuration and build steps further to providing new eZ Publish Installations a more direct build target like building for a new eZ Publish installation with a eZ Webin based design extension package to simplify building new installations without having to know quite so much about version control.

While ezpackage or ezpkg format does provide for debian/ubuntu apt like dependency control of packages. You can always write your documentation to specify installing ezwebin package before installing your own dependent package(s) or you could go further without ezsystems help and build a slightly more complicated package that installs your extension and also requires the expected ezwebin dependencies and thus simplify the end user installation process of selecting a default design upon a new default installation to a single simple choice.

In 2007 Brookins Consulting created the gourgous, ground breakin, free software site design package called Orange Delight for eZ Publish and won the eZ Publish Design Contest prize a RED iPod Nano. The only design contest ever! This package depends upon your eZ Publish website be installed and configured properly before you attempt to install this css only design.

Looking around at the top eZ Publish website's ezinfo/about (site version information) pages details it’s clear to see that most of the site's are running the last eZ Systems release or the latest new Netgen GitHub version.

Well it seems that without a version scheme to work any longer as this requires things funding brings to a project such as planning and release numbers, instead we all run the latest eZ Publish GitHub From Netgen which does not presently increment the version number to indicate a release number.

Cool people run eZ Publish 5.99.99alpha1 and just keep building killer web apps!

Do you think that the time has come for eZ Publish‘s default design eZ Webin to be redesigned to be responsive to make our websites in 2023 share a more mobile friendly design experience by default?

Another pressing challenge is updating the admin design to be more mobile friendly. Even osCommerce admin looks brilliant in a mobile phone.

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