All about the development of eZ Publish by Graham Brookins, 7x (formerly Brookins Consulting) and our think tank
I have an omission to share for the past 20 years or more I have been providing eZ Publish based open source development support services as //kracker and
Recently I have converted my own personal use domain from a splash page domain index into a full mult sub domain based eZ Publish 6 web applicatio platform of web content. This lets me host with ease my main domain in eZ Publish and my subdomain within the same instance / installation meaning larger network application features abound.
I plan on soon writing a detailed blog post about cpanel based mult domain mult site installation configurations using the 7x Symbolic Link Distribution of eZ Publish 6.
We are very excited to announce the release of eZ Publish 6.0.4 which includes the new responsive admin design by default.
This means with eZ Publish 6.0.4 you can use the admin3 design to access (by default configuration) your website using your cell phone!
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