All about the development of eZ Publish by Graham Brookins, 7x and Brookins Consulting.

7x Recommendation Upgrade From PHP 5.x or 7.x to PHP 8.2 Today for a much more secure and complete eZ Publish installation.

There are several mission critical security, stability and performance reasons why it's a good idea to upgrade from PHP 7.x to PHP 8.2.

An upgrade to eZ Publish 6 (v6.0.x) for many websites takes less than two hours time to complete.

Here are just a few key reasons

1. Improved performance: PHP 8.2 provides websites several performance improvements that make it faster than previous versions of PHP. This means that your website or application could run faster and handle more requests per second using cheeper website hosting.

2. Improved error handling: PHP 8.2 has improved error handling that provides more detailed error messages and makes it easier to catch and handle errors in your code.

3. New features: PHP 8.2 introduces several new features, including improved type system, named arguments, and union types, which can help you write cleaner and more concise code.

4. Security enhancements: PHP 8.2 comes with several security enhancements, including stricter type checks, improved password hashing, and better support for SSL/TLS

In summary, upgrading to PHP 8.2 can benefit both your website's performance and security, as well as improving your development experience with the new features.

5) Server compatibility. As versions older than PHP 8.1 have been deprecated and are no longer generally available, or supported then you'll find you must upgrade. There is no support for any versions prior to PHP8.1.

Once the server is upgraded your existing eZ Publish website will crash without a companion upgrade to eZ Publish 6 (v6.0.x) which for many websites takes less than two hours time to complete.

I have been working on a new eZ Publish Podcast called eZ Publish Insights. eZ Publish Insights is a podcast that covers the community, tools, software and howtos. We want to represent the pulse of the eZ publish Community.

In this video (now with audio) we show how to use composer to download eZ Publish 6.0.x software from GitHub and then the configuration and setup using the Setup Wizard for installation configuration.

This video takes you from an empty vhost (configured) and installs and configures the software via composer (already installed) using php (already installed).

This video results in a 100% working installation of eZ Publish 6.0.x GitHub.

This is just too cool for words. It’s really coming true, SQLite Database Support equal to MySQL or Oracle but drastically cheaper in cost to get started quickly. 

Have you ever wished to reduce your own database headaches with eZ Publish?

For years I’ve watched others developing with eZ and wished silently for the day when SQLite database driver support in the eZ Publish kernel and setup wizard would be generally available to end users. 

I have grown from not just dreaming but stepping up, reaching my goals and making my dreams come true with hard work.

Checkout the newly refreshed installation process. We lightly refactored the default setup wizard to provide for a completely simple database selection choice and full installation support for site package data and site configuration used when building a SQLite driven database eZ Publish website, kiosk app or other unique use cases.

With this new feature of our software eZ Publish 6.0.1 (github/main;unreleased) you on need to install PHP, PHP Extensions (required by eZ Publish which now includes the SQLite driver which is painless to install using your favorite OS package manager). As a Debian advocate I recommend APT which is a time saver in life in all things. Back to the point after php is installed you only need to install composer! That’s it! Run the php built in web server and install a full working eZ Publish installation in minutes instead of hours or potentially days. This is a big deal for people who just want to use the software without having the requirements of a full web server or database server setup just to try using the latest version.

The quickest way to get started is to install via composer using the main branch of the project version control.

Here is to a new year full of exciting developments in eZ Publish History.

I took the time to record a quick screen recording of the entire eZ Publish 6.0 CMS Composer Download And Setup Wizard Installation Configuration process resulting in a 100% working installation of eZ Publish 6.0.

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