eZ Publish Static Cache Exclusions

Recently in preparation for the publishing of this blog I used an newer feature of the extension BC Generate Static Cache to by way of ini settings override exclude by parent node id the blog and this ensured static cache was not generated for this blog and it’s blog posts.

What is static cache? Well static cache is a thin layer of html pages served by web server rewrite rules bypassing php entirely thus speeding up the serving of web pages. With the BC Generate Static Cache extension command line script I can generate the whole static cache in just seconds.

Without static cache we are afforded faster updates to the blog itself and anonymous comments.

This feature worked great and my blog content is served now by php cache which is more than fast enough for this small blog's content.

If you have thought of speeding up your own website try static cache. Static cache works well with stable websites of all sizes and shapes.

Since static cache is simple to bypass for those who know using view parameters I try to enable it on all my eZ Publish websites in production.

What do you think? Static cache vs reverse proxy which is faster?



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